Beyond The Test

1920x1280 pics to download (1)Maria* and Juan* were both in high school and had been dating for a while, when they suspected Maria might be pregnant. The couple came to LO for a pregnancy test, which confirmed they were indeed expecting a baby. Although this wasn’t their plan, they wanted to take responsibility and agreed to parent their child together. When Maria and Juan came to their ultrasound appointment, they were excited to see their active baby on the screen.

Both of their families were supportive of the couple’s decision to parent, even though the circumstances would be challenging. Maria researched options to continue school online while Juan pursued job opportunities. The couple signed up for our parenting classes to better prepare themselves for their baby’s arrival.

Shortly after they began taking classes, Juan was introduced to David,* our Fatherhood Consultant. Juan wanted to gain some wisdom on how to be a strong father to his child and partner to Maria. The couple continued to take some classes together, but also made separate appointments to focus on their specific roles in their family.

Through it all, God was working on their hearts. Maria became interested in Bible Study lessons and was given a Bible to keep. During one of his appointments, Juan shared that he was concerned for a family member and asked for prayer – which opened the door for a seed to be planted. David shared the Gospel that day, and Juan accepted Christ as his Savior! They established trust between them, and the conversations about parenting and Jesus continued as time went on.

Sharing the Gospel at LO isn’t something we advertise to those we serve, but it’s truly our best kept secret. Offering free services provides our clients an open door for what they need today, which, in turn, produces opportunities to share what they need for eternity.1920x1280 pics to download

Your support provides a safe place for people like Maria and Juan to experience unconditional loving support. Every day, we get to witness God at work, and lives are changed. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of serving.

Our work today is hope for a better tomorrow.

*Names changed for confidentiality

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