Timing Is Everything

1920x1280 pics to downloadTime. It’s the one thing that waits for no one. It holds the power to cause stress and the power to create peace. Once it’s gone, you can’t get it back. And every bit of it is a gift.

I rely on my schedule and my ever-growing check list because they keep me focused and make me feel productive. However, I do realize that my busy productivity tends to leave no margin for the spontaneity that each day holds. I’m in a constant cycle of realizing, achieving, straying and struggling to get back on track in my battle for godly time management. Knowing when to dig in my heels to get things done and when to say “No,” is a struggle for me. I tend to take on as much as I can possibly attempt.

Time is such a mystery to me, moving faster some days and unbearably slow others. It’s something none of us can control, for which I’m thankful – I would surely make a mess out of that! I’m so glad that God keeps time under His sovereign command. Nothing happens in our lives that God doesn’t already know about; “…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16

What an unfathomable gift.

We must strive to release our sinful desire to worry and control each day, and rest in the knowledge that God will take care of us. Of course, we have a duty to participate in accomplishing the work He’s put before us, but also to trust in His perfect plan.

I have witnessed God’s timing at Life Options so often over the last year, since I became the CEO. We have overcome some large hurdles which were accomplished because of the Lord. I can look back and see how so many things have been worked out…in His perfect timing.

I have seen you, our faithful supporters, show up through prayer and/or donations when it was least expected, but most needed. I have seen our staff pray ceaselessly for months to have coverage in our centers, which are now filled with volunteers. We have researched and put in the time to submit grant applications, including the application to Mission
Pre-Born for an ultrasound machine – which just arrived on August 5!

Some things, I’m still waiting on; and that’s where the trust gets tough. This is an on-going learning process for me, since I
prefer to get things done and checked off as quickly as possible. However, because I’ve seen, firsthand, the faithfulness of God, I am reminded that this ministry belongs to Him and we are vessels working for His glory. Nothing will happen – or not happen – outside of God’s will.

Each one of you was chosen by God to partner with Life Options for such a time as this; your Involvement is no accident! Thank you, for courageously hearing God’s call and boldly following. Together, we are saving lives on earth and planting seeds for eternity. Time well spent.

Let’s take this time – this gift – that we’ve been given and use it to the fullest!

Together for God’s glory.

Melanie Smeenk, CEO


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