76 babies’ lives were saved.
- 87 moms met their babies through ultrasound.
- 176 people heard the Gospel, and 65 people made a profession of faith or rededicated their life.
- 100 people received STD education and testing, and God provided solutions for us when we were faced with changes in treatment methods.
- 4 new volunteers joined our team, helping with consulting, office work, and more.
- 8 people joined our Champion Club (donors who commit to monthly giving).
- The mobile unit served 21 women & men. We have a faithful mobile team who serve our clients so very well. Even our Mattawa location stayed consistent, which has been challenging in the past.
- We had the opportunity to represent LO at 7 health resource fairs and other community events.
- 37 churches participated in Sanctity of Human Life in January and the Baby Bottle Campaign, with 1,273 bottles going out. 17 churches had a special presentation by a LO speaker. Total raised was $20,435
- The benefit concert in January by musicians Rebecca Stamm & Colleen Adent was attended by 175+ people and raised over $7,000.
- Our AWARE team spoke at a Christian teen sexual integrity conference in partnership with Life Choices.
- We hired a new Volunteer Coordinator, Kristy Cumings, who has been a perfect fit for our team.
- The Walk for Life in April was a beautiful day, with 89 sponsored walkers and $49,650 raised.
- We received a new ultrasound machine gifted to us by a grant from Mission Pre-Born, which allowed us to have ultrasound services in all locations again, and came with excellent gospel training for our team.
- A beautiful Volunteer Appreciation Dinner hosted by generous LO partners.
- We met with many couples, including abortion-minded couples, instead of primarily women coming alone.
- Our summer financials were covered by gifts from our partners, preserving our savings.
- Many divine appointments with clients, providing opportunities for our nurses and consultants to have hopeful conversations they wouldn’t be able to have in any other context.
- Successful Advancement Event in October, with over 200 guests in attendance, raising a total of $114,307
- AWARE, our healthy choices/abstinence program reached over 2,700 students, and 65% of teens chose abstinence after hearing our AWARE presentations.
- We updated many of our brochures, allowing us to communicate more effectively with bilingual clients
- Seeing God answer prayers to prepare the hearts of our clients before they even come in.
- Enough bilingual staff to serve our Spanish-speaking clients well.
- A new volunteer training to read our sonograms, providing us with a reliable backup as needed.
- A well-stocked boutique throughout the year, due to many generous donations.
- New parent presentation developed to equip parents as they help their children live with sexual integrity
- Redecorating our offices at no cost due to creative staff
- New roof at our Grandview office, which was much needed, and covered by special gifts from our partners