Marketing Update

One of the goals we set for Life Options was to create a marketing strategy in order to reach more women at risk for abortion. That plan included strategic engagement & informational posts on social media, targeted Google ads and improved website content linked to internet search engines.

Here’s an update on how this marketing strategy has been working:

First: our social media accounts continue to be extremely effective! We have an active Facebook & Instagram account for our clients as well as paid ads on Snapchat. Here’s an overview on those accounts:

Our primary goal for social media is to create awareness with consistent posts. As you can see, over the last year our followers, page visits and overall reach have increased – this is very encouraging! There was a dip in FB reach, but I believe that is a result of many people switching to Instagram. We also post regularly on our AWARE social media accounts to engage the younger generation.


Second, we began a paid Google ad campaign in September 2023. With our paid ads, we have the capability to track progress. Our paid Google ads have resulted in 1,705 people clicking on our ads to learn more about us. Also, 111 people scheduled an appointment directly from our ads! This has been an incredible way to reach more women and men in need of our services.

Finally, we continue to improve content on our website so that our site will show up on Google searches. We are in the process of creating a new client website which will make this even more efficient and are looking forward to launching this new site!

Marketing is a marathon not a sprint and we are seeing great results!


Melanie Smeenk,

Executive Director



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