Big Decisions Take Time

  Unexpected situations with the potential to change lives tend to carry the weight of urgency which often leads to impulsive decisions. This was true for Clara*. Clara and her boyfriend were raising their young child together. The couple was … Continued

Marketing Update

One of the goals we set for Life Options was to create a marketing strategy in order to reach more women at risk for abortion. That plan included strategic engagement & informational posts on social media, targeted Google ads and … Continued

Speak for Life

  When couples don’t agree on their pregnancy decisions it can create added stress in the relationship. This was true for Cole and Katie. Cole and Katie came to Life Options requesting an abortion, but it became evident they weren’t … Continued

Advent Season

Merry Christmas! I’ve grown up going to church my entire life. Every year we light candles during the Advent season and hear the familiar story of our Savior’s birth. It’s a special time of year that draws me closer to … Continued

Planting Seeds

  Tanya had been in a relationship with her boyfriend for almost 2 years when he began showing symptoms of an infection. Shortly after, Tanya also developed symptoms which led her to suspect he hadn’t been faithful in their relationship. … Continued

Time of Change

  One of my favorite quotes is: “The only thing constant in life is change.” I’m not particularly fond of change, but have come to accept it as a part of life and have developed an appreciation for what is … Continued

Powerful Influences

  The friends we choose, play important roles and are often powerful influences in our lives. Thankfully, Ashley* received positive support from her friend, Hannah*. Ashley was in high school when she learned she was pregnant. She had taken a … Continued

The Impact of AWARE

  Do you know about our AWARE program? AWARE stands for: Abstaining, Waiting, and Respecting Each Other. Life Options provides AWARE presentations in our local schools and youth groups. Our desire through these presentations is to equip our young people … Continued

It’s Never Too Late

  It’s never too late to make a loving choice. Maribel* walked into Life Options at a time when she had nowhere else to turn. As she walked in our doors, her head was down, and she spoke in almost … Continued

A New Home for Hope to Grow

  I want to share an update with you regarding our mobile unit, but first, some history: In 2014 Life Options launched our first ever mobile unit to extend our services in neighboring communities. During it’s time of operation, the … Continued