A New Home for Hope to Grow


I want to share an update with you regarding our mobile unit, but first, some history:

In 2014 Life Options launched our first ever mobile unit to extend our services in neighboring communities. During it’s time of operation, the Life Options mobile traveled to Toppenish, Mattawa, Prosser, and Mabton. In April 2020, by the grace of God, we purchased a new unit with plans to continue offering mobile services. Little did we know that our entire nation was about to be shut down due to COVID. We waited patiently, until it could be reopened, and eventually sent the new mobile out. After several months of experiencing a steady decrease in clients, it was decided to stop mobile services and reevaluate.

Over the course of a year, our leadership team has prayed about, discussed, and considered all the best options for utilizing the mobile. After much prayer and consideration, it was decided to offer our mobile as a gift to another pro-life pregnancy center.

I was able to connect with several pregnancy centers that showed interest in starting or expanding mobile services. The Board of Directors carefully reviewed the candidates and unanimously agreed on gifting our mobile unit to the Care Net Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Mason County.

I know many of you played a vital part in making our mobile unit services possible over the years, and we could not have achieved that expansion without you! I also know God led Life Options into mobile ministry. Thank you for being a part of the journey with us! Your investment has impacted lives in and beyond our valley.

I’m hopeful that you will see the change in ownership as a continuation of God’s plan. Although it’s difficult to end mobile services and let the unit go, I am so happy knowing it will continue to be used as a vessel for God’s kingdom work here on earth.

The impact of mobile unit services while operated by Life Options from 2014-2020:

312 Women, men & babies served.

199 Pregnancy Tests.

41 Ultrasounds.

43 Women received a (+) pregnancy test who were at risk for choosing abortion.

39 Of those women CHOSE LIFE!

148 Gospel messages shared.

32 People accepted Christ as their Savior!

This is not the end…it’s a new beginning.



Melanie Smeenk, CEO


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