Uniquely Wonderful
Today, instead of sharing a particular story with you, I’d like to give you a peek at what makes serving at Life Options so unique: getting to meet a variety of people who are all very similar yet simultaneously … Continued
Today, instead of sharing a particular story with you, I’d like to give you a peek at what makes serving at Life Options so unique: getting to meet a variety of people who are all very similar yet simultaneously … Continued
I’m thrilled to announce that after being closed temporarily, we’re open again! Time always intrigues me: The past seems to have gone fast, the future feels far away, and the present appears slow. Right now, it feels as though we’ve … Continued
As long as Life Options has been here, we’ve relied on the personal connections made during appointments to help people find direction and dignity in their lives. For the first time in 34 years, those in-person appointments are temporarily unavailable. … Continued
Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean? Last summer, I had the opportunity to travel to South Carolina and do just that. Although I have childhood memories of similar experiences, I don’t recall being so fearful then. This time, … Continued
Maria* and Juan* were both in high school and had been dating for a while, when they suspected Maria might be pregnant. The couple came to LO for a pregnancy test, which confirmed they were indeed expecting a baby. Although this … Continued
76 babies’ lives were saved. 87 moms met their babies through ultrasound. 176 people heard the Gospel, and 65 people made a profession of faith or rededicated their life. 100 people received STD education and testing, and God provided solutions … Continued
Lucy* and Jaden* walked in to Life Options requesting a pregnancy test. They sat together on the couch as consultant Angela* reviewed the forms with them and began with some questions. When the time came to take the pregnancy test, … Continued
Time. It’s the one thing that waits for no one. It holds the power to cause stress and the power to create peace. Once it’s gone, you can’t get it back. And every bit of it is a gift. I … Continued
Sometimes there are situations or conversations in life that trigger specific experiences and emotions. The tricky thing is, other people don’t know what those triggers are! Every week we have women & men who meet with Jr. High students after … Continued
What does it take to run a thriving pregnancy center ministry? More than you might think! We recently held an appreciation dinner for our many faithful center volunteers, and when I pulled the list, do you know how many we … Continued