Worth Celebrating
At LO, we meet many women and men facing unexpected pregnancies, which can be a bit difficult day after day. But we do, on occasion, meet couples who want to be pregnant and are excited when that test shows positive: … Continued
At LO, we meet many women and men facing unexpected pregnancies, which can be a bit difficult day after day. But we do, on occasion, meet couples who want to be pregnant and are excited when that test shows positive: … Continued
We’ve all seen the topic of abortion streaming across social media, and I know we’ve all been horrified by some of the laws that have been passed recently. It’s easy to get pulled into despair when the task at hand … Continued
100 babies’ lives were saved. 130 parents met their babies through ultrasound. 207 people heard the Gospel. 122 people received STD education and testing, and we implemented REAL Essentials curriculum in-center, better equipping us to discuss sexual integrity and healthy … Continued
It was just another day at Life Options, staff were keeping up on the tasks at hand and ready to serve at any moment, when Rosalinda* walked in. Rosalinda had come to Life Options 5 years earlier with her first pregnancy, … Continued
I have been a long time supporter of LO. I first began participating in the annual Baby Bottle Campaign. This was followed by taking part in some of the Walk for Life events. These fundraisers are a great way to … Continued
With President Trump’s recent pick of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, some questions regarding the nomination revolve around abortion. As a life-affirming ministry, we believe a Supreme Court shift toward defending innocent life is a major step forward, … Continued
I’m sure most of you are aware of this year’s tax law changes which will affect charitable giving. I’m not going to pretend that I understand all the details surrounding this change, although I have researched it. Personally, I donate … Continued
Positive experiences are important! Think about the last restaurant you went to. Was the food worth what you paid for it? Did they have good service? How was their location? If your responses to these questions are all positive, you’re … Continued
Denise* first came to us for a pregnancy test. Denise met with our consultant Rose* and initially admitted to feeling excited about the possibility of being pregnant. Her excitement soon changed to despair, however, as Denise shared that she and … Continued
LO is a powerful place of hope, help, and healing. To continue to be strengthened internally for the life-saving work we do externally, our team has been under-going intense training and leadership re-alignment. You see, in 2014, I responded to … Continued